Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My New Best Friend...Cinnamon

Some of you know that my dad does not like animals.

Some of you did not know that I got a hamster for my birthday.

I convinced my dad and I got myself a hamster [after telling my dad I would be paying for everything and completely taking care of him.] So I got my first pet... a hamster named Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a boy. Cinnamon’s middle name is Starburst. So his full name is Cinnamon Starburst H. He loves to run in the blue wheel I got him. He is white and brown. I got him on the 30th of May. Cinnamon is a Fancy Short Hair hamster. I have enclosed a picture of him. I can not wait for you all to meet him.

Your niece, grandchild and cousin, Bunny

P.S. Some of you gave me birthday money. That money went toward Cinnamon. Thanks.


  1. Hi Bunny!
    Congratulations on your new addition, Cinnamon Starburst! He seems like a really sweet hamster. We enjoyed reading about him and can't wait to meet him!
    Uncle B, Aunt T, and cousins T, A, and C

  2. Hi Bunny - Your new friend is so cute!! Does he like to be held a lot? Your dad reminds us of
    somebody...ask him if he knows who we're talking about :) Have fun with your new pet!
    Uncle M, Aunt D, H, L and S

  3. Hi, Bunny,
    he is so cute! You look so much alike! Were is his cage? Can't wait to see you on Sun.


  4. Hi, Meredith...How is Cinnamon today?

  5. Dear Meridith and Emma,
    Guess what? I got my hamster! She is cream with grey ears,and she has very tiny patches of white on her. She is only half the size of Cinnamon,and very cute. Her name is Samantha McClure,but I need help thinking of a middle name. Could you give me some suggestions? We had to stop at a store on the way home. I had to carry her in because it was to hot in the car. Inside,the clerk asked if she could hold Samantha.(because used to have a hamster) I agreed, so when we coaxed her out of the box,she started jumping around in the lady's hands! Then,we noticed that she peed on the counter! She is sleeping in a corner of her cage right now. I can't wait for you to meet her. Your friend Breezer.
