Thursday, August 5, 2010

Assault Tank in Battle

The assault tank has two laser cannons on the side and one laser blaster in the middle. The fortress has two guns on the side and one blaster on the top. I love Legos.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I Learned This Year...

Cricket's description of what she learned this year:

"This year I learned how to play volleyball, change a baby's diaper, say "Yes, Mom," learn cursive, bake, do change, typing, Prince Caspian, to be a peacemaker, sacrifice, braids, use paragraphs, Star Wars, make a tree fort, long division, make coffee, Fort Knox, baseball and art.
Next is what I want to learn: astronomy, sign language, computers, chocolate, coconut."

Yes, by God's grace, she did learn some academic things during our busy year with the new baby. And, it warms my heart to hear that she has learned some important lifelong lessons about serving others and being kind to her siblings through peacemaking. To God be the Glory...

Thankful Mom

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I just came back from Camp Timber-lee. I left on Sunday and came back on Saturday. My counselor's name was Brittany. I lived in Oak Ridge 2B. For one week I lived with 5 other girls.
I already knew 1 of the girls. Her name is Mariah. I kind-of knew an another girl and her name was Emma. The other 3 I had never seen before. Their names were Emily, Mary and Kathryn (but everyone calls her Kate.) But over the week we all became best friends.

My favorite things were swimming, jumping off the blob, going to the art and leather shop, acorns (acorns is like an arcade without electronic games), rock climbing, climbing the 63 steps to our village (not kidding) and horseback-riding. I rode 2 different horses. Their names were Sam and Shicain.

The food was excellent. The last day we got ice cream at breakfast.

I CAN NOT wait to go back next year.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


To do summer 2010

1. GOING TO CAMP TIMBER-LEE!! (I am super excited.)
2. Going to a rented house ON lake MI for a week!! (my parents rented it .)
3. Designing a flower garden (with my dad) complete with trellis and concrete bench.
4. Going to Heartwood with my dad's side of the family (we all rent a cabin by a lake.)
5 .Going swimming in Lake Ripley ( I live 1 mile from the lake.)
6. Going to see my Great-Aunt.
7. Have my g-bar taken out.
8. Bike riding to Lake Ripley and back.
9. Do a dog unit study.
10 . Convince my dad to get a dog (or a cat.)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life is good with Grandmas

We went to my Dad's mom's house. We call her Grammy. Who's the we? Bunny, Sharky, Coco and me. We go every year while mom stays home and dad goes turkey hunting. We got to see all the cousins in Minnesota. My oldest cousin, Hannah, had a baby a couple weeks ago. We watched the baby get baptized. The pastor poured water in the special bowl. My cousin Jack and I got splashed with the water. We call my Grandpa, Poppop. He rents a movie every time we visit him and he gets us doughnuts. We will see him in 6 weeks at Heartwood.

We also had my Mom's mom and dad visit us a couple weeks ago. We had fun with them. We made cookies and did puzzles. We played lots of games. My favorite game that we played was Probe. Probe is a game where you make a word and put it upside down on your game piece. People have to guess your word letter by letter.


Thursday, April 15, 2010


There is a clone trooper who has a blaster. There is another clone trooper who has a sniper. Then, there is a troll warrior who is defending the back of the car. The skeleton is driving the car with the gems in the back. The fortress has a laser and a satellite.


Thursday, March 11, 2010


Heartwood MEMCLIF is a fort we made last summer. Heartwood means almost nothing. MEMCLIF is all of our names:

M= Meredith

E= Emma


C= Cameron

L= Lizzie

I is for intertainer which means Clay and

F = Forrest

When you walk in, you see a dirt brick-lined path. Next to the path is a brick oven where Emma is making concoctions. If you follow the path a little more, you will come to a bridge where Forrest, Clay and Cameron are working. Then you will enter the heart of Heartwood MEMCLIF, where Meredith and Monica will be working on the roof. It is a small room and has a pine branch wall built around a tree. Then you will walk through and see the meeting room where Meredith, Emma, Monica and Cameron have their meetings. Then to your right is the look-out room. MEMCLIF also tells the names of the builders and members. So welcome to Heartwood MEMCLIF.
(yes, I know entertainer starts with e.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It is a robot. It is a miner and an alien-catcher. There are eight lazers and a grinder. There is a cockpit where a person can sit. There are five jetpacks to make him fly. There is another cockpit right by the left lazer.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

LEGO fortress

It is a fortress. There are two guards and a fighter who uses a turbo-blaster. There is a place where a horse can go. The king stayed inside the fortress.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Defend life rally

I went to a pro-life rally in Madison on Sat. Feb. 6, 2010. We listened to an hour of speakers. There were about 450 people for pro-life. There were 35 pro-choice people who were marching around us trying to distract us from hearing the speakers. It was really cold out. Pro-life people were carring pink and blue balloons. I got a pink one. Some other pro-life people were carrying signs of babies that made me feel sick. There were some annoying pro-choice people. One girl stood on a snow mound singing loudly while the speaker was talking. There was a march afterward, but we did not go because Autumn was cold. I wished I could've heard and seen better.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

brittany spanel

My mom and dad are in the process of considering getting me for my birthday a Brittany spaniel. I think the Brittany is a perfect dog for us because they are hunters, they shed very little, they are very intelligent and they are medium size. Brittneys are either white with orange or black or liver or brown (I want mine to be orange and white or brown.) They require very little grooming. Brittneys are very good with kids. That is why I think we should get a Brittany spaniel.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hippy Hoppy Happy Baby!

I like to play with Autumn. When Mom works with the boys, I play with Autumn. We have an electric piano that can play songs. I put Autumn on the floor, turn on a song and dance in front of her. She loves it. She smiles and waves her arms. She's a good friend.

I change diapers too. Yuck.

I like to get her up from naps too. She likes me because I rescue her from jail. Jail is her crib. She does not like it.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Mystery Trip

We went to Iowa. My mom did not tell us where we were going. I thought we were going to my cousin Connor's hockey game.

We stayed at a hotel that had a water park. It was awesome! There was a huge slide that went outside and it was pitch black in the slide. When my Dad and I went down the slide, he screamed when we hit the turn. We couldn't see the turn because it was dark. It feels good to swim in the winter.

We also went to an aquarium about everything in the Mississippi River. The firemen did an ice water rescue while we there there. There was an Ice Fest going on.


Thursday, January 21, 2010


This is my ship. It has forty-two weapons. The ship driver is a clone trooper. It is the safest ship that I built so far.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

winter fun

Winter Fun: The things I love about winter

  1. Snowmen
  2. Snow angels
  3. Snow forts
  4. Snow hamsters
  5. Sledding
  6. Hot chocolate
  7. Sitting by the fireplace
  8. Making snow- flakes
  9. Cross-country skiing
  10. Frosting cookies


Friday, January 15, 2010

Lego Creations

Lego Creation 1

In the front there is a drill that can move. The vehicle can move back and forth. The cockpit can open. There is a bucket that can go up and down with a rope.

Lego Creation 2

It is a Lego vehicle. The drill can move right and left. It has a bucket to put the jewels in. It has dynamite to explode.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Christmas. What do you think of? Christmas trees? Snow? Cookies? Well, I did all 3 this Christmas. We put up the tree. My brothers, my sister and I played in the snow. Be careful. The snow is dangerous. Clay broke his arm in the snow. And Cookies. We made tons of cookies. What else do you think of? Friends, family and ham? We did all those too. We went to a friend's house and frosted cookies. We had family over and we had ham for Christmas dinner. What did you do this Christmas?
