Thursday, March 11, 2010


Heartwood MEMCLIF is a fort we made last summer. Heartwood means almost nothing. MEMCLIF is all of our names:

M= Meredith

E= Emma


C= Cameron

L= Lizzie

I is for intertainer which means Clay and

F = Forrest

When you walk in, you see a dirt brick-lined path. Next to the path is a brick oven where Emma is making concoctions. If you follow the path a little more, you will come to a bridge where Forrest, Clay and Cameron are working. Then you will enter the heart of Heartwood MEMCLIF, where Meredith and Monica will be working on the roof. It is a small room and has a pine branch wall built around a tree. Then you will walk through and see the meeting room where Meredith, Emma, Monica and Cameron have their meetings. Then to your right is the look-out room. MEMCLIF also tells the names of the builders and members. So welcome to Heartwood MEMCLIF.
(yes, I know entertainer starts with e.)


  1. Your MEMCLIF fort looks like a lot of fun. Have you had to defend it against anything yet? Wild animals, mothers-who-are-looking-for-you, etc? It sure has a lot of rooms. What kind of "concoctions" does Cricket make? Edible?

    Aunt Lila

  2. I love your tree-fort so creative I wish I could see it !
