Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I Learned This Year...

Cricket's description of what she learned this year:

"This year I learned how to play volleyball, change a baby's diaper, say "Yes, Mom," learn cursive, bake, do change, typing, Prince Caspian, to be a peacemaker, sacrifice, braids, use paragraphs, Star Wars, make a tree fort, long division, make coffee, Fort Knox, baseball and art.
Next is what I want to learn: astronomy, sign language, computers, chocolate, coconut."

Yes, by God's grace, she did learn some academic things during our busy year with the new baby. And, it warms my heart to hear that she has learned some important lifelong lessons about serving others and being kind to her siblings through peacemaking. To God be the Glory...

Thankful Mom

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cricket!

    My goodness but you've learned so many new things this year! Good for you! I love that some of them are about getting along with other people. I wonder what you had in mind about learning about chocolate and coconut???? (Learning to like them? Eating more of them? Finding out where they come from?)

    Please tell "Thankful Mom" that I LOVE the picture and story about herself that appears next to your blogs. She is a wonderful Christian Mother and, with God and Adam's help, is raising some good people!!!

    Love, Aunt Lila
