Friday, November 13, 2009

FALL FUN !!!!!!!!!

On Nov. 12, I helped plant a prairie. I planted rattlesnake master and rosinweed. How did we get hooked up? My Spanish teacher is a Cam-Rock volunteer. We planted on a corn field. The cornfield was chopped and harvested. All I had to do was sprinkle the seeds. The prairie I planted is a part of Cam-Rock Park 3. Cam-Rock means Cambridge and Rockdale. The parks are in-between the towns.

WE NEED YOUR HELP. E-mail us on what should we type next.

Thanks, Bunny

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bunny!

    As I told Cricket, I forget to look at your blogs to see if there's anything new. Maybe you could learn how to e-mail some of your followers
    when you write a new blog?????
    I'll be very interested to see what "rattlesnake master" and "rosinweed" look like. Have you seen pictures of them already? (By the way, rosin is what you put on a violin bow so it will slide across the strings easily.) I wonder if they make it from this weed?
    Please write about your mystery trip. It sounded so fun!

    Aunt L
